Friday 9 October 2015

Blue Colour Text in FB status and comment

By.- Aneesh

Sign into Facebook account,
and go to the status update field of your timeline or friend's timeline. You may use it for the comments
on any status but it will be display only on mobiles.

Copy the following piece of code,

@[1: ]@@[1:[0:1: Type Here]]

Don't forget to change Type Here with your own text.
Once you are ready to paste above code on the timeline, look on the URL field, and change "www" with "m", and hit enter. It will show you the mobile version site on your computer. For example, if you want to write blue text on my Facebook wall, my Facebook profile URL is, so remove "www" from my URL, and add "m", and hit enter.
Now, paste above code to the status.
And Hit Enter....!!!!
Thts All.
You will see blue coloured status...


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